We Do This Together (Latest Edit: 8/7/2023)

St. James is a participatory congregation. Everyone is invited to join in to make our worship and learning experience uplifting and nourishing and keep our light shining. Also check our Clergy and Committees post for more opportunities to serve within our parish.

New Opportunity! Our annual rummage sale, which helps to finance our efforts in the community and abroad, is coming up on August 19. We will accept items beginning on Sunday the 13th. Volunteers will be needed on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th to help with setup, as well as on the day of the sale to help with sales and takedown. Email stjames@gci.net with the subject line “Rummage Sale” for more information or to volunteer.

If you would like to volunteer as a worship leader (also known as a lay reader), training is simple and straightforward. Email stjames@gci.net and put “Interested in Worship Leader Position” in the subject line. We have had excellent responses and our new readers are doing a great job. The more the merrier!

Current and Prospective Volunteers Take Note! If you haven’t taken the Safe Church course within the past four years, you will have to update your certification soon. Email stjames@gci.net for details.

Rides to Church: Rides to church will become available once more when the pandemic has passed. If you know you’ll need a ride, please email stjames@gci.net as far ahead of the next scheduled service as possible, with the subject line “Attn: Sandy Solenberger–Need a Ride.” If you have a roomy vehicle with great traction and would like to be available for rides to church, let Sandy know at the same address.

Flowers for the Altar: If you would like to give flowers in thanksgiving, or in memory of loved ones, please sign up on the list in the Parish Hall. Please remember to leave a contribution for the Altar Guild.

Acolytes: Currently our Sunday school serves as acolytes (junior assistants) during services. If you know of a young person who would like to join in as an acolyte and/or a student, please email stjames@gci.net with the subject line “Attn: Helen Williams or Sandy Solenberger.”

Bulletins: If you have questions about the bulletins, please email stjames@gci.net with the subject line “Attn: Ellen Lester.”